Saturday, April 23, 2011

So it goes.

I love Kurt Vonnegut.

Don't you just love Kurt Vonnegut? All that wit-meets-nonsense mixed with crazy idealism. Something about the way he sets things up, makes the regular seem outrageous, makes the outrageous seem regular, makes you want to scream and laugh and cry, just from a 3-word sentence:

"So it goes."

That's the line from Slaughterhouse-five that all the hipster kids get tattooed on the nape of their necks. And it's the line that I, a person who self-righteously denies any such descriptor for myself, wanted to put into cross-stitch today.

Wanna see?

There's my PCStitch design.

And there's the real thing.

So what does it mean?

Hmph. You tell me. But I'll give you my interpretation: no matter how ridiculous a scenario, how difficult a situation, how terrible or terrific an outcome... the world keeps on turning, and life goes on. This speaks to me and makes me feel better at this particular moment in my life. Thus, the cross-stitched proverb.

I, however, am not headed to the tattoo parlor with my neck bared. Sorry Kurt. Embroidery floss will have to do.

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