Monday, March 26, 2012

Tattoos like mile markers

An ode to my new (and only) tattoo:

Photo cred to ma boy Jamen Berk

The funny thing is, this is NOT the tattoo I have been thinking about/mulling over for the past 6 to 9 months. I had, in fact, just recently thought of a cast-iron skillet as an option, maybe a month or a few weeks before getting it done. I don't know, it just felt right... 

People love to ask the meaning behind tattoos, so I thought I'd sum up mine:

First - there's the food. Food has and will always be a very important part of my life. In my family, the act of cooking and eating has always been special, even sacred. Between my mother, my godfather, my dad, my brother, our friends... There is always amazing food to be made and had in the Garrison house. We love food, and we love to share it, and we love to make it, and we love doing all of it together.

Then - the cast-iron. Like any good Southern woman, my mother has collected cast-iron throughout her life, having never less than four pieces of cast-iron cookware hanging from the oak beam that makes up much of the storage for the Garrison family cooking vessels:

Just a few examples

There's just something different, better, about the way a well-seasoned cast-iron skillet fries an egg, or crisps up the bottom of a pan of cornbread. Be it roasted vegetables, a frittata, fried okra - a large percentage of the wonderful dishes that are made in the Garrison house have come out of a cast-iron skillet.

So, in a word, my tattoo means home.

Hell, if you want to delve deeper, maybe span a little wider, it's about the South, and Mississippi. I love this crazy place, despite (and possibly because of) its flaws. Sure, she's got a few blemishes, but don't we all?

Anyhow. Here are a few examples of what I've created in my very own cast-iron skillets (because, of course, my mother has purchased several for me, from flea markets everywhere):

Roasted brussel sprouts

Fried green tomatoes
Fried eggs (over-easy, please)

That last picture: was the original plan. A tattoo on my forearm of my mom's cornbread recipe (because every time I try to make it I forget how much baking powder/baking soda). A pragmatic tattoo, in a way. I mean, it's a tragedy when you mix up the soda and powder, let me tell you...

Maybe next time.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

See the cat? See the cradle?

Currently reading:

This is a re-read for me, because, when my friend Addie brought it up and starting talking about the deeper meaning of the words on the page, I couldn't even remember the main character or general synopsis. Too many Vonnegut novels ago. But, it was my first, the one that started the journey, so I thought that this deemed a repeat literary adventure necessary.

I've gushed about Kurt Vonnegut on here before (and even cross-stitched in his honor), but I do truly feel like, there's a man who gets me. I mean, sure, his writing can be utterly devastating, but in that "good hurt" kind of way. He digs his heels into the truth of the way our world works, and, however demented and strange his conclusions are, they make sense to me. He makes no real judgement. He doesn't even really come to conclusions, come to think of it. Maybe that's what I like about it. Just observation. And some seriously poignant ones, in my opinion:

'What is the secret of life?' I asked.
'I forget,' said Sandra.
'Protein,' the bartender declared. 'They found out something about protein.'
'Yeah,' said Sandra, 'that's it.'

How about:

Busy, busy, busy is what we Bokononists whisper whenever we think of how complicated and unpredictable the machinery of life really is.
 Like I said, not exactly inspiring, but. It inspires ME, in some weird antithetical way.

Currently drinking:

This beer. Is, as I have so often exclaimed at the top of my lungs in a field of daffodils with baby farm animals crowded around me*, spring in a bottle. I made a serious to-do about grabbing a few six-packs while we were closer to its' hometown down in Gulfport this past weekend. All while on a school club trip, dosed on cold medicine and unable to clear the mucus from my nose and throat. (this to emphasize the amount of fuck I did not give - I NEEDED that Abita Strawberry!) And thank goodness for my handy-dandy Abita iPhone app, or it may never have come to pass! (Also thanks to Dr. Huston, our fabulous chauffeur/club sponsor, for the Winn Dixie stop.)

In other news, I was inspired today by the lady at the Co-op, when I was picking up some local honey, to make homemade biscuits to go with the sugary deliciousness:

I made them with half whole-wheat flour (hm, confusing - as in, I used half white, half whole wheat - there, that's better), balanced out with actual lard, from actual pigs, to make them pretty much just as bad for me as usual. But. DELICIOUS. Southern desert, ya'll.

Speaking of delicious food, I've been on a role this week:

On Tuesday (or Monday?) I decided I wanted to use some of my flower-bed collards, so I came up with the idea of putting them in pesto, since I already had lots of Parmesan cheese and almonds. AND I have beautiful parsley in my yard as well, so I mixed some blanched collards with the parsley, shredded some cheese, chopped up some garlic, added some almonds and olive oil, and, voila! It was perfect! And ridiculously tasty...

Over whole-wheat pasta

Finally, for my last delicious dish of the week:

Thai green curry!

I had stopped by the Asian market on the way to perform a different errand one day after school, just to see if they had these amazing fresh shitake mushrooms I had gotten this one time (they didn't, boo), and I decided I would get green curry paste and bamboo shoots, because, well, I LOVE green curry with bamboo shoots! I didn't even plan on using them. But. Since it was the night before an exam (and I do pretty much anything that keeps me from studying the night before an exam), I decided at 8 o'clock last night to wing it. I had gotten shrimp (that my mom had bought, peeled, and put away for me - what a wonderful woman!) out the the freezer that morning (I guess I was subconsciously planning something), and I had asparagus and yellow bell peppers, plus some coconut milk and chicken broth and, again, voila! More deliciousness. I didn't have rice, so I ate it over red quinoa.

Oh, I love being the weird girl with the red quinoa and Thai curry at the lunch table... My poor friends don't know what to do with me half of the time!

Ok. So this looks like a reading/drinking/food update. I have more in the realm of veterinary medicine, but I'm getting ADD, and I have a Pathology quiz to take before officially letting my brain off for good behavior, and...

SPRING BREAK!! See ya'll bitches in a WEEK! Meghan and I will be in Austin! (And this is why it's good to be back in school..)

*Note: hyperbole.