Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Dance yourself clean!

1 week down!

Today began week 2 of the detox, and it's going great! Been making juice every morning and other delicious food for lunch and dinner. Such as:

Grated turnips and ginger with onion and cumin and stuff
Steamed broccoli and stir-fried mustards with sesame seeds
Roasted turnips with garlic and onions
Today I added back legumes, so I made lentil and vegetable soup

That's just a few highlights. Other than that, I've gotten back to the pool, extremely glad, what with the ridiculous traffic at the university athletic center, that this is my exercise of choice. I tried to spin on Monday and the sorority girls had taken over the bikes. Let me tell you, it truly sucks to get up at 5:00 AM to not get a bike at your spinning class. But I'm MAKING it tomorrow!

In other news, my Mom and Mawmaw came up on Sunday, to shower me with gifts, produce, and monkey grass/bulbs. It was Mawmaw's first time to see my place, and she was both impressed and helpful, cleaning up the turnips Mom brought me while Mom and I planted the grass and bulbs:

Mawmaw cleaning my turnips (what a wonderful woman)

Planting with Mom

Constantly grateful about how amazing my family is, that's for sure.

Oh, and, as indicated by the Instagram photos, I finally entered the iPhone world! This shit is crazy. Seriously not helping my A.D.D., but I love it none the less. Everything at the tip of your fingers, literally! I can't wait to actually visit a city, to use some of the most exciting features... Which also reminds me, I have more pictures from the holidays/wayyy before that (got some Holga shots developed):

(Instagram) Fern is always the cutest

(Instagram) Also, Fanny is always the cutest
Payton this summer, beginning to get comfortable in the water
The pigs at Callie and Rivers' place
Maple and Cider playing with the water hose (truly Southern summer remedy)
The Japanese maple at the very tail end of the Fall
Candace and myself in front of Tipitina's (I tried and failed at doing a double-exposure),
after Lykke Li and First Aid Kit!

Our Christmas tree!
The girls and I go out to feed the chickens
Poultry heaven!
Oh, Payton...

Justin and Dad, admiring the fire

(The Hunger Games nerd in me wants to call this "Girl on Fire")

I just noticed how I got a picture of Justin with both of my parents. Weird.

Shelby shooting a Roman candle!

Lovely girls...

Syndney and Dad, in their matching coveralls!

Sunny and Micah! Precious.


On the way to the creek

Piggy-back rides!

And shoulders...

And the one Sparkler Message I got this year:

Be joyful!

1 comment:

  1. "Going for a Masters in Public Health, maybe? What the hell, all of my friends are doing it."

    I love you
